Saturday 18 August 2012

Prepare the Testing Checklist

Are you going to start on a new project for testing? Don’t forget to check this Testing Checklist in each and every step of your Project life cycle. List is mostly equivalent to Test plan, it will cover all quality assurance and testing standards.
Testing Checklist:
1 Create System and Acceptance Tests [ ]
2 Start Acceptance test Creation [ ]
3 Identify test team [ ]
4 Create Workplan [ ]
5 Create test Approach [ ]
6 Link Acceptance Criteria and Requirements to form the basis of
acceptance test [ ]
7 Use subset of system test cases to form requirements portion of
acceptance test [ ]
8 Create scripts for use by the customer to demonstrate that the system meets
requirements [ ]
9 Create test schedule. Include people and all other resources. [ ]
10 Conduct Acceptance Test [ ]
11 Start System Test Creation [ ]
12 Identify test team members [ ]
13 Create Workplan [ ]
14 Determine resource requirements [ ]
15 Identify productivity tools for testing [ ]
16 Determine data requirements [ ]
17 Reach agreement with data center [ ]
18 Create test Approach [ ]
19 Identify any facilities that are needed [ ]
20 Obtain and review existing test material [ ]
21 Create inventory of test items [ ]
22 Identify Design states, conditions, processes, and procedures [ ]
23 Determine the need for Code based (white box) testing. Identify conditions. [ ]
24 Identify all functional requirements [ ]

25 End inventory creation [ ]
26 Start test case creation [ ]
27 Create test cases based on inventory of test items [ ]
28 Identify logical groups of business function for new sysyem [ ]
29 Divide test cases into functional groups traced to test item inventory [ ] 1.30 Design data sets to correspond to test cases [ ]
31 End test case creation [ ]
32 Review business functions, test cases, and data sets with users [ ]
33 Get signoff on test design from Project leader and QA [ ]
34 End Test Design [ ]
35 Begin test Preparation [ ]
36 Obtain test support resources [ ]
37 Outline expected results for each test case [ ]
38 Obtain test data. Validate and trace to test cases [ ]
39 Prepare detailed test scripts for each test case [ ]
40 Prepare & document environmental set up procedures. Include back up and
recovery plans [ ]
41 End Test Preparation phase [ ]
42 Conduct System Test [ ]
43 Execute test scripts [ ]
44 Compare actual result to expected [ ]
45 Document discrepancies and create problem report [ ]
46 Prepare maintenance phase input [ ]
47 Re-execute test group after problem repairs [ ]
48 Create final test report, include known bugs list [ ]
49 Obtain formal signoff [ ]


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